The Collegium Gift Registry
The Collegium Gift Registry is operated through Holy Angels Ministries,
a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to supporting the Collegium.
Your donation toward the purchase of items in the registry constitute
fully deductible contributions.
Help us provide faithful, affordable, classical education.
The cost of providing our education and formation is a little over $28,000/year. We charge our students $13,800/year. You can make a contribution to purchase specific needed items below - or you can contribute toward the purchase of any of these items.
Collegium Viewbook
If you are looking for a college...
that is steadfastly faithful to the unchanging magisterium of the Church,
where every faculty, staff, and board member is a practicing Catholic who has signed the Oath Against Modernism,
where you will be encouraged to grow, as an independent adult, in the faith that you were given at home ...
If you are looking for a college...
that is more affordable than most public institutions...
If you are looking for a college...
that is committed to the search for Truth as taught by the great minds of the Church through the Ages,
that is steadfastly committed to goodness, truth, and beauty of the Ancient Mass and Divine Office and to traditional forms of Catholic prayer and piety...
Hagerstown, MD
If you are looking for a college...
that is in a town that is small enough to feel comfortable,
that is easily accessible from the Baltimore and Washington airports,
is close enough to Baltimore and Washington to enjoy some of the major attractions of the cities,
that is near five national parks, has one of only three accredited art museums in Maryland, and is near Catholic shrines such as the Lourdes Grotto and the St. Elizabeth Seton shrine in Emmitsburg,
that has four seasons,
that sits in the center of the town's arts and historic districts ...
Preparation for Heaven, Life, and a Career
If you are looking for a college...
that is committed to formation as much as information,
that integrates practical work skills into the curriculum,
where you will develop life-long friendships with other students with similar commitments to the faith,
that is committed to helping you develop skills that employers are seeking ...
If you are looking for a college...
that is committed to beauty, especially in the sung Mass and Office,
that will give you an opportunity to continue to use any musical gifts you may have ...
...then you should choose The Collegium.