The Collegium Gift Registry
The Collegium Gift Registry is operated through Holy Angels Ministries,
a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to supporting the Collegium.
Your donation toward the purchase of items in the registry constitute
fully deductible contributions.
Help us provide faithful, affordable, classical education.
The cost of providing our education and formation is a little over $28,000/year. We charge our students $13,800/year. You can make a contribution to purchase specific needed items below - or you can contribute toward the purchase of any of these items.
4 Marks of the Collegium
(To know God is to love God.)
(Sing to the Lord.)
(In the world but not of the world.)
(Prayer & Work.)
With its commitment to being Faithful, Affordable, and Classical,
the Collegium is already a unique institution...
At the same time, other than our commitment to serve traditional Catholics, these factors don't tell a lot about what it's like to be a Collegian from day to day. The four marks of the Collegium describe the unique culture of the Collegium. They will give you an idea of what it is like to be a Collegian.
Deum nóscere Deum amáre. (To know God is to love God.)
We are first and foremost an academic institution. Students are engaged in a classical liberal arts curriculum that emphasizes Thomistic theology and philosophy, history, literature, Latin, math, science, music, and art.
Cantáte Dómino. (Sing to the Lord.)
Vespers and Lauds will be sung daily. Faculty will be committed to this practice; students will be welcomed to assist. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered on Sundays, Mondays, Holy Days, and major feasts. Confessions are available at least weekly. The Masses are normally sung Masses. Students with musical skills will be given opportunities to advance those skills and use them in the service of the Lord.
In mundo sed non de mundo. (In the world but not of the world.)
The Collegium promotes a contemplative atmosphere. Students have opportunities to spend time quietly, anchoring themselves spiritually to better engage the world.
Ora et labóra. (Prayer and Work.)
Students work in the Collegium’s Corporate Internship Program, thereby gaining the spiritual benefits of work, the practical benefits of work experience, the ability to understand the connection between a liberal arts education and success in the professional world, and additions to their resumés.